Today Anna and I decided to check out Jimmy Jr Bowl. I was seeing a fair amount of tracks in the upper bowl and figure might as well see what was up.
Access up the creek was thin but it has seen enough travel to make it acceptable. The creek is running full force for this time of year but the thin ice is holding up, this could change if the temps stay warm. Once in the alpine the snow depths reach about 60-70cm but also plenty of thin areas that have 10cm over ground. There is a crust in the “mid pack” that help you stay on top but it is not present in any area with less than 30-40cm of snow.

The skiing was good but there are a fair amount of tracks now too, still room for a few parties to get some fresh turns in though. The looker’s right pocket of snow above the cliffs had released a size 1 avalanche at some point in the last week and the debris goes about 50m down slope.
It was -3C today with some light wind, not currently snowing up there and it seems that last snowfall didn’t impact snow levels as much as I was hoping. Plenty of moisture in the air though, so let’s hope for a cold snap tonight!