It’s been several months since I did a trip report and I was surprised I never made one for this day as it was sweet. On Feb 28 2020 Nick, Brandon, Nathan and I went up to Rockbound Lake to ski the Chockstone Couloir which we found in excellent powder conditions. The top half of this run is steep and narrow, you then ski under a wedged rock to access the lower, wider couloir section before accessing the fan.

Climbing Chockstone Couloir

After taking a short break we crossed the lake and climbed Helena Peak Exit Couloir (I’m sure there is a better name for this run but I don’t know it). The conditions in this run were not near as good and after communicating to the rest of the group Brandon and Nathan turned around on the fan and Nick near the top. I took some pictures from the edge of the large cliffs of Nick and then skied the run.

Nick skis upper Chockstone Couloir

To finish the day I suggested skiing down the waterfall couloir route which is found at the east corner of Rockbound lake. Going this way is much more fun than skiing back down the steeper section of the summer trail and you end up near Tower Lake for quick access back to the trail to head home.

Crossing Rockbound Lake
Nick skiing down the Helena Peak Exit Couloir

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