On March 13 2020 Nick and I went back to Rockbound Lake in hopes of skiing the full Eisenhower Couloir. There is a chockstone in this run but you can’t ski under it so we brought a small rock rack to try to get to the top. Kris Irwin had mentioned the rock was mostly bare slab and wasn’t sure if there was any good spots for pro so we weren’t too sure what we’d find.

We skinned up the lower fan and up to the main couloir, the run is almost like 2 separate couloir features with a bowl feature between them. Once we got to the climbing section we noticed that the snow we were on was overhanging into a deep cave like feature. The climbing looked fairly straightforward but we decided not to risk it as we couldn’t find any good gear placements. There was also an old rope coming from above but we didn’t trust its age. Instead we skied down the run and back to the car.